Practice Problems with Answers
(Organized mostly as in Zumdahl Chemistry)
All Practice Problems provided include Answers
Chemical Foundations |
Atoms, Molecules and Ions |
Stoichiometry and Equations |
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions |
Atomic Structure and Periodicity |
Bonding |
Organic Chemistry |
Gases |
Thermochemistry |
Liquids & Solids |
Solutions |
Kinetics |
Equilibrium |
Acids and Bases |
Applications of Aqueous Equilibria |
Electrochemistry |
Nuclear Chemistry |
Other Resources |
Chemical Foundations
Practice Problems: Conversion Factors; Answers
Practice Problems: Classification of Matter; Answers
Go to the bottom of this page for links to worksheets on Significant Figures, Scientific Notation and Metric Conversions from the ChemTeam
Atoms, Molecules and Ions
Practice Problems: Naming compounds from formula and vice versa; Answers
Practice Finding Name and Formula with Answers
Practice Problems: Periodic Table and simple ionic compounds; Answers
Ionic nomenclature interactive quizzes: Click the Formulas button to go from the name to the formula. Click the Names button to go from the formula to the name.
Stoichiometry and Equations
Practice Problems: Percent composition and empirical formula; Answers
Practice Problems: Stoichiometry; Answers
Practice Problems: Writing and classifying equations; Answers
From the Chem Team: Worksheet of mass mole conversions
Answers to Worksheet of mass mole conversions
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
Practice Problems: Determining whether a precipitate forms; Answers
Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Electron configuration practice (interactive)
Read the instruction page and then click "Play Now."
Practice Quiz on electron configurations. Under Science, click on Elements. On the left, click the box for Electrons. Then select a Question Style.
Web site with practice finishing Lewis structures: Select a compound from the drop down menu. Click "check structure" to check your answer.
Organic Chemistry
From Lee Marek's web site, here's a way to remember the hydrocarbon prefixes. The first letter of each word in the following statement is the 1st letter of each of the 10 alkanes in order.
"Mary Eats Peaches, But Paul Has Had Only Nine Donuts."
Practice Problems: Gas laws; Answers
Practice Problems from the ChemTeam: Partial pressure problems;
Combined gas law problems and answers to Examples and Problems
Liquids & Solids
Worksheet of Molarity Problems from the ChemTeam
Worksheet of Problems from the ChemTeam on density, mass percent, molality and molarity. These problems have the answers worked out in detail.
Practice Problems on Molarity from ChemTutor
LeChatelier's Principle problems from the ChemTeam
LeChatelier's Principle problems from ScienceGeek
Acids and Bases
Applications of Aqueous Equilibria
Practice problems from ChemTutor: Scroll to the bottom of the page for problems on finding oxidation states, identifying which substance is oxidized or reduced and balancing redox equations.
Nuclear Chemistry
Other Resources
Quizlet: An MIT freshman created a great tool for making online flashcards and using them to quiz yourself (and your friends). The site also includes flashcards other people have made. I recommend starting with the Video Tour.